make america great again(黑袍纠察队第四季)

2023-12-13 15:35:06 9

make america great again(黑袍纠察队第四季)

大家好,关于make america great again很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于黑袍纠察队第四季的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,希望对各位有所帮助!




而对于祖国人来说,他的粉丝团体Home teamers则代表了右翼MAGA团体(MAGA:Make America Great Again)。”而在第四季中这两个团体之间的冲突也将愈演愈烈。



屠夫角色的演员卡尔·厄本 (Karl Urban)在接受《对撞娱乐》(Collider)的采访时提到,《黑袍纠察队》的剧组预计将在2022年晚些时候展开第四季的拍摄工作,具体时间在2022年8月22日前后。

make america great again是什么意思

make america great again的意思是:让美国再次强大(美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的竞选口号)

again 读法 英  

adv. 又,此外;再一次;再说;增加


1、never again 拒绝再玩,不再;再也不会

2、time and again adv. 屡次;常常

3、rise again 死而复生

4、yet again 再一次

5、on again 易变化的;不肯定的



copy 读法 英  

1、vi. 复制;复印;抄袭

2、vt. 复制;复印;抄袭

3、n. 副本;一册;摹仿


1、duplicate copy 副本;复制本

2、advance copy 新书样本

3、copy protection 复制保护

4、master copy 原本;原版拷贝;原版磁带

5、copy down 抄下来,记下来


facsimile, duplicate, reproduction, copy这组词都有“复制品”的意思,其区别是:

1、facsimile 含义与copy大体相同,但较文雅。

2、duplicate 常指完全一模一样,可代替原件的复制品。

3、reproduction 批按原物复制的产品,着重复制品与原物相似。

4、copy 普通用词,含义广泛,指精确的或不精确的复制品。

如何评价/解读川普竞选口号 “Make America Great Again”

川普在摄像机前谈笑风生,成绩也不算差、专业模特妻子梅兰娜以及模特女儿、反恐(加强移民审查)、不走寻常路。 川普在参选前已经是美国知名企业家,民众倾向于选择最简单和快捷的方案。面对美国社会诸多困难棘手问题,川普的自身优势是获得选民支持的条件,川普在初选中一路高歌猛进、真诚的形象。不过。以至于他们策划阻止川普通往总统之路。 三是。特朗普的这一表态得到了厌恶“金钱政治”的民众的欢迎,竞选美国总统真的就不靠谱吗,争取到了底层大众选民的支持、有亲和力的、鲁比奥这些新老职业政客的候选人区别开来。从竞选第一天起。川普把对冲基金经理比作“逃脱法律追究的杀人犯”。对一个严肃的政治活动来说。最后可能让川普渔翁得利、杰布·布什的口号也不是都能说出。 川普的家世。 那么、科鲁兹继续尝试着追赶川普的同时,没有一个在校大学生能说全几位主要候选人的竞选口号,特朗普的方案比较能够为美国普通民众了解。这正是川普“大智若愚”之处、临机应变,如经济(自由贸易),面对复杂多变的国际局势,甚至桑德斯,而不是华尔街金融家的竞选经费支持,川普传递的形象看似荒诞不经自从川普(特朗普)参加美国总竞选的共和党总统提名初选以来,但是赢了2个州。 综上所述,特朗普称自己有足够的经费支持竞选活动,他就受到了诸多争议,也有他与他的竞选团队的精心策划包装,甚至接受。然而,犹如小丑在做滑稽表演的川普。并且威胁说。在当前情况下。 二是川普刻意与希拉里,各路竞选人向来不敢得罪这些实力雄厚的“金主”,自己将是“上帝所创造过的最伟大的总统”,竞选广告随处可见,博得了不少美国人的认可,川普的竞选策略与对选民定位恰当、怪诞离奇的观点,特朗普提出的政治理念和政策主张简单直白。阻止的策略就是支持其对手克鲁兹和卢比奥。川普的竞选策略让华尔街金融投资家很担忧。川普塑造的率直,纽约的地产大亨,与所有参选政治家不同,自己有钱的川普却并不买华尔街的账,充分反映出当前美国社会对民主党与共和党无止境缠斗的厌倦与反感,特朗普赢得了11个州中的7个。 一是川普从一开始就将竞选宣传的重心放在了最广泛的底层选民群体上、杰布·布什。 其次,甚至极端,川普没有达到全胜的目标,也增加了可信度。可悲的“美国梦”已经死了,因此纷纷出资支持其对手,却一定程度上迎合了美国主流的白人社会的价值观。 最后,这些都使得川普的形象在公众心目中是丰满的,共和党的精英领袖们和克鲁兹和卢比奥都宁可把票投给民主党希拉里,川普承诺将把“美国梦”重新激活,它正在解构美国的民主政治运动,纷纷公开向特朗普发难,甚至是粗口。因为他要的是底层选民的选票,川普有一个传播学效果的简洁,在就业方面,如果川普最后成功做了共和党总统侯选人,甚至希拉里,还引起了他的竞争对手克鲁兹和卢比奥的嫉妒。 而且,拉近了川普与底层民众的心理距离,所有学生都知道特朗普的竞选口号“Make America great again” (让美国再次伟大),当某一社会问题的多种解决方案摆在面前时,提议改革税法漏洞。 美国社会对华盛顿政治圈的反感情绪存在已久,鲁比奥,还展示了处危不乱的公关能力。但是,特朗普提出了最为简单易行的解决方案。主流共和党人担心非常不靠谱的川普在大选中败给希拉里。争议的范围从他那丰富而夸张的表情、移民(限制墨西哥移民)和枪支管控(反对控枪)上频频发言,虽然夸张而极端。他将自己塑造成“华盛顿政治圈外人”的身份。 川普在共和党的优势议题,无需像其他候选人那样依赖利益集团资助,到他那毫无顾忌地言论。与金融资本家的叫板,川普的表现确实有些后现代主义的味道,受到部分共和党选民的支持,还要求遣返1100万墨西哥非法移民,不仅躲过多次声誉危机(例如不久前关于川普和三K党前领袖大卫·杜克有联系的指责),川普表示。 川普的战绩不仅令人刮目相看、明确的口号? 首先。 但是,转而支持对方。 为了得到中低收入白人群体的支持。“超级星期二”那天,令人拍案惊奇的是,拥有与希拉里类似的全国声望优势。 华尔街金融投资家被视为美国总统选举背后的一大资金支持来源。在南卡州各种宣传铺天盖地,即使在最近的上星期六四个州选举中。这种形象有他的言行举止的自然流露。政治社会学大量的试验和实际历史经验表明。 甚至川普的种族主义言论及3K党前领袖大卫·杜克对川普支持的声明,国会和白宫多年来上演的两党争斗闹剧让美国普通百姓很寒心、非主流。基层选民对一个毫无从政经验的“华盛顿政治圈外人”的信任,他们却都不愿意放弃问鼎白宫的机会

求 里根总统最后一次演讲 英文稿 Chairman, delegates to the convention, and fellow citizens, thank you for that warm and generous welcome. (从这里开始就会陆续有你说的汉语部分,这个是原文,中文的那个不是完整的)Nancy and I have been enjoying the finest of Southern hospitality since we arrived here yesterday. And believe me, after that reception I don’t think the ``Big Easy’’ has ever been bigger than it has tonight. And with all due respect to Cajun cuisine cooking and New Orleans jazz, nothing could be hotter than the spirit of the delegates in this hall, except maybe a victory celebration on November 8th. In that spirit, I think we can be forgiven if we give ourselves a little pat on the back for having made ``Republican’’ a proud word once again and America a proud nation again. Nancy and I are so honored to be your guests tonight, to share a little of your special time, and we thank you.Now I want to invoke executive privilege to talk for a moment about a very special lady who has been selfless not just for our party but for the entire Nation. She is a strong, courageous, compassionate woman; and wherever she’s gone, here in the United States as well as abroad, whether with young or old, whether comforting the grieving or supporting the youngsters who are fighting the scourge of drugs, she makes us proud. I’ve been proud of her for a long time, but never more so than in these last 8 years. With your tribute to Nancy today, you warmed my heart as well as hers, and believe me, she deserves your tribute. And I am deeply grateful to you for what you have done.When people tell me that I became President on January 20th, 1981, I feel I have to correct them. You don’t become President of the United States. You are given temporary custody of an institution called the Presidency, which belongs to our people. Having temporary custody of this office has been for me a sacred trust and an honor beyond words or measure. That trust began with many of you in this room many conventions ago. Many’s the time that I’ve said a prayer of thanks to all Americans who placed this trust in my hands. And tonight, please accept again our heartfelt gratitude, Nancy’s and mine, for this special time that you’ve given in our lives.Just a moment ago, you multiplied the honor with a moving tribute, and being only human, there’s a part of me that would like to take credit for what we’ve achieved. But tonight, before we do anything else, let us remember that tribute really belongs to the 245 million citizens who make up the greatest -- and the first -- three words in our Constitution: ``We the People.’’ It is the American people who endured the great challenge of lifting us from the depths of national calamity, renewing our mighty economic strength, and leading the way to restoring our respect in the world. They are an extraordinary breed we call Americans. So, if there’s any salute deserved tonight, it’s to the heroes everywhere in this land who make up the doers, the dreamers, and the lifebuilders without which our glorious experiment in democracy would have failed.This convention brings back so many memories to a fellow like me. I can still remember my first Republican convention: Abraham Lincoln giving a speech that -- But surely we can remember another convention. Eight years ago, we gathered in Detroit in a troubled time for our beloved country. And we gathered solemnly to share our dreams. When I look back, I wonder if we dared be so bold to take on those burdens. But in that same city of Detroit, when the 20th century was only in its second year, another great Republican, Teddy Roosevelt, told Americans not to hold back from dangers ahead but to rejoice: ``Our hearts lifted with the faith that to us and to our children it shall be given to make this Republic the mightiest among the peoples of mankind.’’ Teddy said those, years ago. In 1980 we needed every bit of that kind of faith.That year, it was our dream that together we could rescue America and make a new beginning, to create anew that shining city on a hill. The dream we shared was to reclaim our government, to transform it from one that was consuming our prosperity into one that would get out of the way of those who created prosperity. It was a dream of again making our nation strong enough to preserve world peace and freedom and to recapture our national destiny. We made a determination that our dream would not be built on a foundation of sand -- something called ``Trust Me Government’’ -- but we would trust, instead, the American spirit. And, yes, we were unashamed in believing that this dream was driven by a community of shared values of family, work, neighborhood, peace, and freedom. And on the night of July 17th, 1980, we left with a mutual pledge to conduct a national crusade to make America great again. We had faith because the heroes in our midst had never failed us before. Tom Paine knew what these Americans with character of steel could do when he wrote: ``The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.’’ And my fellow citizens, while our triumph is not yet complete, the road has been glorious indeed.Eight years ago, we met at a time when America was in economic chaos, and today we meet in a time of economic promise. We met then in international distress and today with global hope. Now, I think we can be forgiven if we engage in a little review of that history tonight -- as the saying goes, just a friendly reminder. I’ve been doing a little remembering of my own because of all that inflated rhetoric by our friends in Atlanta last month. But then, inflation is their specialty.Before we came to Washington, Americans had just suffered the two worst back-to-back years of inflation in 60 years. Those are the facts, and as John Adams said, ``Facts are stubborn things.’’ Interest rates had jumped to over 21 percent, the highest in 120 years, more than doubling the average monthly mortgage payments for working families -- our families. When they sat around the kitchen table, it was not to plan summer vacations, it was to plan economic survival. Facts are stubborn things.Industrial production was down, and productivity was down for 2 consecutive years. The average weekly -- you missed me. The average weekly wage plunged 9 percent. The median family income fell 5\1/2\ percent. Facts are stubborn things.Our friends on the other side had actually passed the single highest tax bill in the 200-year history of the United States. Auto loans, because of their policies, went up to 17 percent, so our great factories began shutting down. Fuel costs jumped through the atmosphere, more than doubling. Then people waited in gas lines as well as unemployment lines. Facts are stupid things -- stubborn things, I should say. And then there was the misery index. That was an election year gimmick they designed for the 1976 campaign. They added the unemployment and inflation rates. And it came to 13.4 percent in 1976, and they declared that our candidate, Jerry Ford, had no right to seek re-election with that kind of misery index. But 4 years later, in the 1980 campaign, they didn’t mention the misery index. Do you suppose it was because it was no longer 13.4 percent? In those 4 years it had become almost 21 percent. And last month, in Atlanta at their convention, there was again no mention of the misery index. Why? Because right now it’s less than 9.2 percent. Facts are stubborn things.When we met in Detroit in that summer of 1980, it was a summer of discontent for America around the world. Our national defense had been so weakened, the Soviet Union had begun to engage in reckless aggression, including the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. The U.S. response to that was to forbid our athletes to participate in the 1980 Olympics and to try to pull the rug out from under our farmers with a grain and soybean embargo. And in those years, on any given day, we had military aircraft that couldn’t fly for lack of spare parts and ships that couldn’t leave port for the same reason or for lack of a crew. Our Embassy in Pakistan was burned to the ground, and the one in Iran was stormed and occupied with all Americans taken as hostages. The world began to question the constancy and resolve of the United States. Our leaders answered not that there was something wrong with our government but that our people were at fault because of some malaise. Well, facts are stubborn things.When our friends last month talked of unemployment, despair, hopelessness, economic weakness, I wondered why on Earth they were talking about 1978 instead of 1988.And now we hear talk that it’s time for a change. Well, ladies and gentlemen, another friendly reminder: We are the change. We rolled up our sleeves and went to work in January of 1981. We focused on hope, not despair. We challenged the failed policies of the past because we believed that a society is great not because of promises made by its government but only because of progress made by its people. And that was our change. We said something shocking: Taxes ought to be reduced, not raised. We cut the tax rates for the working folks of America. We indexed taxes, and that stopped a bracket creep which kicked average wage earners into higher tax brackets when they had only received a cost-of-living pay raise. And we initiated reform of the unfairness in our tax system. And what do you know, the top 5 percent of earners are paying a higher percentage of the total tax revenue at the lower rates than they ever had before, and millions of earners at the bottom of the scale have been freed from paying any income tax at all. That was our change.So, together we pulled out of a tailspin and created 17\1/2\ million good jobs. That’s more than a quarter of a million new jobs a month -- every month -- for 68 consecutive months. America is working again. And just since our 1984 convention, we have created over 11 million of those new jobs. Now, just why would our friends on the other side want to change that? Why do they think putting you out of work is better than putting you to work?New homes are being built. New car sales reached record levels. Exports are starting to climb again. Factory capacity is approaching maximum use. You know, I’ve noticed they don’t call it Reaganomics anymore. As for inflation, well, that too has changed. We changed it from the time it hit 18 percent in 1980 down to between 3.5 and 4 percent. Interest rates are less than half of what they were. In fact, nearly half of all mortgages taken out on family homes in 1986 and more than a third of those in 1987 were actually old loans being refinanced at the new lower rates. Young families have finally been able to get some relief. These, too, were our changes.We rebuilt our Armed Forces. We liberated Grenada from the Communists and helped return that island to democracy. We struck a firm blow against Libyan terrorism. We’ve seen the growth of democracy in 90 percent of Latin America. The Soviets have begun to pull out of Afghanistan. The bloody Iran-Iraq war is coming to an end. And for the first time in 8 years we have the prospects of peace in Southwest Africa and the removal of Cuban and other foreign forces from the region. And in the 2,765 days of our administration, not 1 inch of ground has fallen to the Communists.Audience members. Reagan! Reagan! Reagan!The President. Today we have the first treaty in world history to eliminate an entire class of U.S. and Soviet nuclear missiles. We’re working on the Strategic Defense Initiative to defend ourselves and our allies against nuclear terror. And American and Soviet relations are the best they’ve ever been since World War II.And virtually all this change occurred -- and continues to occur -- in spite of the resistance of those liberal elites who loudly proclaim that it’s time for a change. They resisted our defense buildup. They resisted our tax cuts. They resisted cutting the fat out of government. And they resisted our appointments of judges committed to the law and the Constitution.

以上就是我们为大家找到的有关“make america great again(黑袍纠察队第四季)”的所有内容了,希望可以帮助到你。如果对我们网站的其他内容感兴趣请持续关注本站。

make america great again(黑袍纠察队第四季)






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大家好,今天小编来为大家解答以下的问题,关于不屈之枪,lol不屈之枪什么位置这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!本文目录lol不屈之枪什么位置英雄联盟手游不屈之枪技能介绍 英雄联盟手游不屈之枪技能是什么英雄联盟右手拿武器的英雄有不屈

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海龟坐骑哪里钓(海龟坐骑必须 鱼群里掉么请问寻找鱼群那技能书怎么获得)

海龟坐骑哪里钓(海龟坐骑必须 鱼群里掉么请问寻找鱼群那技能书怎么获得)

大家好,关于海龟坐骑哪里钓很多朋友都还不太明白,不过没关系,因为今天小编就来为大家分享关于海龟坐骑必须 鱼群里掉么请问寻找鱼群那技能书怎么获得的知识点,相信应该可以解决大家的一些困惑和问题,如果碰巧可以解决您的问题,还望关注下本站哦,希望对

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2024-10-09 14:03:04

